Friday, November 8, 2024

Raglan Railway Station. 9-11-2024.


This is the First Photo for my Write up about the Raglan Railway Station.

The Railway Station above was opened on the 20th of October 1890.

Railway Operations started at Raglan on the 4th of March 1873.

This Railway Station is the second to be built in the Area.

Heritage Listed in April 1999.

Last Month the Railway Station was 134 Years Old.

The bathurst Railway Station became the Terminus in March 1876.

Tuesday, November 5, 2024

Access at the Raglan Railway Station. 5-11-2024


Incorrect information has been written about an access visit in September 2024, in the Newsletter By the Boy in the Sand Pit.

What is written above is wrong in relation to our Visit on the 11th of Sept, or perhaps the 10th.

We communicated with 2 different people.

The second person came to our Vehicle, he explained he was a Protection Officer, and he could organise for us to Visit the Raglan Railway Station platform. We did everything he asked of us, went on to the Platform, took our Photos then returned to my Truck and excited the Precinct.

All above Board,
All Legal

So please stop writing Lies about what we did

AustralianHeritage Railway Stations and Infrastruture News 2024/2025.

The Purpose of the Photos was the XPT had been replaced by an Explorer.

Wednesday, October 30, 2024

News Update. 31-10-2024


News Update,

1919 Broken Hill Railway Station.

My plans for the Next 12 mONTHS ARE,

Write ups on Operational Railway Stations,

Write ups on Heritage Railway Stations

And Expansion of Regional Passenger services in NSW.

Going to be a Busy 12 months.


More info here,

More Info Here,

The Write up for the 60's Travel is on the 12th of August.


I will also be looking at Rollingstock from Overseas, as NSW is short of Operational Railcars. I will get in contact with my Friend Mr. Hurst to see what he can advise.

There maybe some English or European Railcars available.

I also need to look at the HST's again,
As there are some already in Mexico and Africa.

The Ones in Mexico are operational already.

Maybe another way to tackle this Problem is to get a Trial Velocity set from Victoria.


I am also looking at the 620/720 Class Railcars, will have to investigate as to weather a couple of sets are available, that are Operational.


My Friend has got back to me,

He has advised there are Railcars in Storage at 2 Locations in the UK,
So will need to do more investigations to see what can be done.
Many thanks to him for getting back to me.

6.14. am

The first 3 Railway Stations I will be covering are,


Visited this Railway Station in September 2024.

Heritage listed in April 1999,

Opened on the 1st of July 1870.

1915, Second Platform was Built.

5.44 pm


A New Rail service to Dubbo from Lithgow.

Expand later to Nyngan

Then to Cobar and Bourke.

Any thought's please.

7.09 am

Tuesday, October 22, 2024

More News Today. 23-10-2024

Good morning,

Keep a Look out for more News.

Merriwa, March 2023.


Sent to me by a Friend,
Not to be used on any of Phil Buckley's Pages.

The Former Hawker Railway Station,
It has a Restuarant there now.
Sent to me by a Friend.
Not to be used on any of Phil Buckley's Pages.

Out on the Road,
Photos sent to me by a Friend from Adelaide.
Not to be used on any of Phil Buckley's Pages.

Rydall Railway Station,
Photos taken in early September.

Photo from the side of the Building.

Along the Platform,

Waiting for the Train Seats
Photos not to be used on any of Phil Buckley's Pages.

These Photos were taken by me on the 9th and 10th of September 2024.

Saturday, September 28, 2024

Enough is Enough. 29-09-2024.

Good morning,

Raglan Railway Station, capturing the XPT Replacement.

Under the awning at the Raglan Railway Station.

Above is a Post that was written yesterday afternoon, it is in reference to me, Brian Leedham, calling me the Railway Developer, in fact the, Northern NSW Railway Developer.
Problem is, I have never submitted a D.A. ( Development Application ) for a Railway Project.
So you see I cannot be called a Railway Developer, but the Idiot keeps doing it and thinks he is being smart and truthful, but he is just being an Arsehole. Trying his best to upset me.

I consider myself to be a Volunteer, and that's all, as I have done it since 2001.
No big deal, I just like helping people, Helping Communities.

I have also been a Volunteer in the Sport of Dragon Boat Paddling, and that was for 10 years.
Once again, no big deal, as I was involved in the Sport as a Paddler and a Sweep.
And I had a lot of Fun doing it, and met a lot of Different people.

You have made claims that I have never finished a Project, never obtained a Lease, always have Ideas, according to you too many Ideas/Projects. While I was President of the Merriwa Railway Society Inc., the Committee was successful in obtaining a Lease, which happened in October 2010, since then the Project has been ongoing, as quite often Heritage Projects take a long time to finish.

THE PAINT. Yes you did organise the Paint thru a Dulux employee, but when you left the Project, you did not pass on the Information, so it was re-negotiated, and the Paint was picked up in January 2011. More paint was received at a later date, which allowed the Interior of the building to be completed.

So the Interior was restored and painted, with 3 rooms being completed, so it could be opened to the Public.

This post is the continuation of the First one above.

To secure a Lease for a Railway Station, it is necessary to contact the Railways Manager and the Council, that is a Known Fact. As I have said before I communicated with 6 different people. If my application to Council and John Holland was successful I would have applied for a Lease. But I stopped Negotiations when I was advised that the Bogan Shire Council had received a Grant. This was in July 2019.

Yes the Plan was to start a Bed and Breakfast Business, but the negotiations were stopped.

Yes I would have made an application for a DA, if I went ahead with the Plan. But that did not happen.

Regarding the English HST's I emailed the People who Lease the Rail sets to Companies who wanted to run HST's. The Response I got was they wanted 1 Million Pounds for 2 Power cars and 4 Carriages. I was also in contact with a Person who owns a Carriage and he advised that Porterbrook, the Leasing Company was asking too much money for a set. So I canned the idea of having a HST set imported to Australia. The Ideas I had for raising the required money, were many.

This was the 3rd section of the Post,

You claim that my Ideas are expensive, of course they are, because, anything to do with Railways is expensive.
Nothing will change in NSW Regional areas unless people put up Ideas,
Big Changes are needed and the attitude of people needs to change.

If people are always Negative, and say that things will never work, then there will never be change.

You have to have people who are positive, who can see that things may work if they are worked out Properly, which involves meeting people in person, phoning people, writing letters to people.

The reason I have written this Post is because I am sick of Your Bullying, your Harrassment, your telling me what I have to do in my life, which you do all the time, you share your Nasty thought's with your Followers on your Pages, making it look like I am a Horrible person.

Fact is you are the one that is causing all the trouble, and, sometimes you write about me on a Daily basis.

That means you never write about me again.

I am only a Volunteer.

Friday, September 27, 2024

Raglan Railway Station. 28-09-2024.


Some Info and Photos of the Raglan Railway Station.


Did you know that this Railway Station will be 134 years old on the 20th of October 2024.

The Railway Station is Located at the top of the Hill.

Using a Friends Long Lens, I was doing some experimental Photo work, really enjoyed it as well, so much so that I have bought my own long lens.

XPT Passing through, probably travelling to Dubbo.

The Explorer doing the XPT duties on this day the 11th of September 2024.

Up close to the Platform, We were escorted by a Protection Officer, on to the Platform, so we could Photograph the XPT replacement train.

A Note,
The Raglan Railway Station was the Terminus, from the4th of March 1873 till the 4th of March 1876, when the Bathurst Railway Station was opened.

Raglan Railway Station. 9-11-2024.

Afternoon, This is the First Photo for my Write up about the Raglan Railway Station. The Railway Station above was opened on the 20th of Oct...