Sunday, December 31, 2023

Hello. 1-01-2024

Good Morning,

Railway News,

The Railway News I put up will be on my New Blog from Today Onwards.

Have a Happy New Year and may 2024 be a Safe one.

Saturday, December 30, 2023

Possible New Branch Line. 31-12-2023.

Good Morning,

A New Railway Line along the Coast of Northern NSW is a No, No,
Too expensive, supposed to be duplicating the current North Coast line.
Government would not build it.
According to the Pundits it would have to be Privately built.

So I am now working on a Possible 67 km Branch Line from the current line to Brisbane to a Northern Rivers town, so it can be extended to Tweed Heads.

Will have to do lots more investigation, but it looks like it could be a Possibility.

We wait and see what Happens.

7.51 am

Friday, December 29, 2023

News 2nd January. 30-12-2023.


The Ultimate Railcar set, should be used all over Australia.


All News coming from me will be put up on my New Blog,
You will need to email me at, for the link to the New Blog.

There is a couple of things I need to discuss here before the end of the Year.

The reopening of the Bourke Railway Line from Nyngyn to Bourke,
In my Opinion, as a Tradesman, with the right people involved, with fundraising covered trough Grants and Crowdfunding I believe it could be achieved.
I am not a Developer, as I have never submitted a Development Application,
I am of the belief, that if it was done properly it could be done in stages.
Some businesses may want to get involved as well.

In the area where I have said a New Railway Station could be Built, a Cotton Grower has a Property close by, he may want to have his products shipped by train.

There are lots of Possibilities.

New North Coast Railway Line,

An approximate cost of $780,000,000, and it could be much less.
The original idea for this New Line was to Cater for Tourists, who could travel to and from the Gold Coast airport if they wished to Fly internationally. Of course Commuter could use it to, but the Main traffic would be Tourists.

It would help with New people coming into the Area as well.

A Rail Trailer, suggested to use People movers to start off with, and, use them on the M1 for trips to the Airport. When the People Movers or Mini Buses cannot cope a Train could replace the Peoplemovers/Buses.

More Information will be available on my New Blog on the 2nd of January.

2.50. pm

Hello. 30-12-2023.

Good morning,

Hay Steam Water Tank still Standing.

On the Platform of the Hay Railway Station, Early in the Morning.

It is the Railway Station developer here, some pages on the Internet do not use my Name. So I get called all sorts of things,

The Developer,
The North Coast NSW Rail Developer,
The Station Developer.

I wonder what it will be today?


5.33 am


Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Rail Passenger services. 28-12-2023.

Good Morning,

Lately there has been a lot of Screaming about Rail Passenger services in NSW, and How there should be more of them.
Where I live I can catch 6 different Trains, In my Opinion I am very Fortunate to have that available, but some towns have no rail passenger services whatsoever.

In January 2020 I did a Write up on the Casino to Murwillumbah Line and how I believed it could be changed for the better, for the Future.

My Proposal was thought of as being Pie in the Sky.

At some time in the very near Future we will need more passenger services.

Have a Read of this,

I thought I put forward good ideas to save the Line from Casino to Murwillumbah.

But a lot of People thought I was an Idiot.

Recently I came up with an Idea for a New Railway Line for the North Coast, Oh No, that's a Bad Idea.

I also suggested reopening the Nyngan to Buorke Railway Line, but was shot down about that Idea as well.

So the question you have to ask is, do the people in Rural NSW want Rail Passenger services expanded or not, if they do, a lot of Lobbying by all residents will have to happen.

We desperately need a New Railcar that is Driveable from Both ends, and I have done a Drawing for such a Vehicle, would be good for services in and out of towns, morning and night, in my opinion.

A Railcar like this would be Ideal. Be even better if say 4 or 6 of these could be built in Australia.
Seats would be the same as the V-Sets.


4.45 am

Already there has been responses from this Post on the Internet.

39 comments on one page, more on another.

I am a Volunteer to the Heritage Rail Industry, I am not a Northern NSW rail Developer.

It has been written I am all talk and no action, thats right I have done nothing, BUT I have contacted people in several Councils, Contacted people in State Government departments, talked to normal people in person about the possibilities of my Ideas, nothing Negative has come out of all this, people have been very Helpful, which encourages me to keep asking for help with these possibilities.

Tuesday, December 26, 2023

News 2nd January 2024.

Good Morning,

How is everybody today?

Keep your eye out for my next big News Write up.

Should be on the 2nd of January 2024.

All photos above taken at the Wauchope Railway Station, Mid North Coast of New South Wales.

Friday, December 22, 2023

Lot's of News. 23-12-2023.


Lots of things Happening,

I have been busy writing about the Proposed new Railway Line for the North Coast of NSW. The Info is in my New blog, which you will need to contact me for the Link to view it. Email me at
If you would like to find out what is happening.

Doing some investigation into some Railway Stations that seem to be going no where at the Moment.

Cumnock Railway Station,
NewBridge Railway Station,
Wallerawang Railway Station,
Clandulla Railway Station.
and the 
Gundagai Railway Station.

Will have to make contact with my Contacts to see what is Happening with them.

There are others, but i need to get my list out.

2.26 pm

Watch out for News about the Nyngan to Bourke Railway Line.

Possible News about the Glenreagh Railway Station Precinct.

And More info about the New North Coast Railway Line Proposal.
Some interesting info will be available.

5.43 am

The New North Coast Railway line Proposal,

Railway Infrastructure Worker- Has given advice.

People Mover possible Proposal.

Rail Trailer has given advice about the New Railway Line,

Possibly More Infrastructure to be built.

If you would like to keep up with these plans, please email me at

Lot's of interesting things Happening.

5.50 am

Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Diane Holdsworth. 13-12-2023.

You do not like having your name put up on this Blog,

But look what we have here.

My name is plastered all over the News and History Page.

Below are 2 Photos of the Illegal use of my Photo from My Newsletter/Blog Page,

The Photo was posted at 17.20 on Thursday the 7th of December.

There is No mention of the Link to the Post/Thread where the Photo was,

No link whatsoever,

There is also No Link to the Blog Page where the Thread was created.

Yes there was a link to the Photo, But no other information.

Your son is required to get written permission from me to use my photos, and, if he is so desperate to use them, then one of his Page Members should contact me and ask permission, Easy really.

So instead of being a complete arsehole, Ask First.

His Public Relations Sucks, if he was really good at it, he would always Ask First.


If somebody ask's first, and I agree to the Photo being used then there is not a Problem.

It would be really nice to have quiet Christmas without any of this Bullshit.

So remember, if a photo of mine is used on any of the Pages it needs my name added to it.

For the record, I have not contacted you Directly since the Court Hearing, FACT.

Oh shit we have to keep going with it,

Should let sleeping dogs lie, that way it will be very quiet.

And Now you attack my Mental Health again, You are a Very Sad Person.

You use my Photo last Thursday the 7th of December, without my Permission, now you tell your followers I have Dementia , or may have dementia, Are you a Mental health expert, because if you are not, then, best keep your Mouth Shut. This post was this afternoon the 13th of December at 4.38 pm, when will the Next time be that you attack me.
You need to pull you head in.
You don't want me to mention your Mother, or tell me I should not make Indirect Messages, but if I do not stick up for my Rights you will Think you can walk all over me, It ain't going to Happen.




More Interesting information coming.

The Next attack was at 7.40 pm.

Another attack about me at 7.40 pm on the 13th of December.

In the first sentence it states" Criminal Court of NSW"

I attended the Hearing at the Local Hornsby Court. Which was held before the Magistrate and his Registrar.

As far as I am aware the Criminal Court of NSW is in Darlinghurst Street Sydney, so "These cases are heard in the NSW Criminal Court Jurisdiction" does not apply to my Hearing.

Medical issues.

You both rant about me stalking you, but, in the 3rd Paragraph, you have stated, "on one of these days they couldn't attend they were recorded posting online"

You have Directly admitted, that you Stalk my Pages. Shame on you.

Fact's, I was booked in for two medical procedures in June and July 2021 and had to have All sorts of tests done to secure those procedures, so your Stalking was very inappropriate. To suggest I did anything wrong, is way off the Mark. And downright disgusting.

Further down you mention, 
"wants to avoid Jail time"
"Cognitive Failures"
"unable to understand English"

"NSW Criminal Court"

"Can lead to Potential jail term"

Be aware, that for me to be Put in Jail, I need to be arrested, attend Court for a Sentence to be served, then Jailed if I am given a sentence.

To this day the 14th of December 2023, none of this has happened.

This is Why in a Previous post I said you should shut your  mouth.

Monday, December 11, 2023

Some Good news. 12-12-2023.


Having a Great time on my New Blog,

No interruptions from the 3 Stooges.

These Photographs are not to be used on any of the Pages that the 3 stooges own.

This Post has been made on the Blog owned by Brian Leedham.
Posted under the Name of the Post or Thread, as written above.
And the Photographs are owned by me, Brian Leedham.

Thursday, December 7, 2023

Sad-Sad-very sad. 8-12-2023.

 Good Morning,

Facebook has been advised of the theft of my Photo,

Up to them now what Happens.

Perhaps I can contact these people as well,

John Higgs,
Ian Wheeler,
Neil Munro,
Glen Martin,
Greg batten,
Clifton Baker,
Joe Daunt,
Albert Anderson,
Noela Wallace,
Charlie Begg,
Peter Curran,
John Pawlak
Robyne Ridge,
Morris Mclean,
Paul Breese,
Stephen Rickett.

5.26 am

Another Post,

I find this extremely Distasteful, Unprofessional and Disrespectful.

Your members are required to do it, so why don't you do it,

I know Double Standards.

Please be advised that Facebook have said there will be a Fee if they have to remove my Photo and there could be suspension.


Under copyright Law, a Photographer who owns a Photo has the right to be acknowledged. So my name should have been added to the Post, and the Blog Name as the Location where it was sourced.

Removal of my Photo. 7-12-2023.

 Good Evening,

This is the second time I have asked for my Photo to be removed from the News and History Page.

If it is not removed I will be using the Photos of the Serial Stalker.

He Knows he is not supposed to use my Photos, But still Does it.

You are just the Scum of the Earth.

Photo belongs to Brian Leedham, Should not be used by the person who has used it.

Theft of a Photo.7-12-2023.


Once again a Photo has been stolen from my Newsletter Blog Page.

The Person who Stole this Photo is my Serial Stalker, he watches everything i do.

So Sad really.
He knows he has to have written permission from me before he uses my Photos.

He is the Scum of the Earth.

Not real Hard to ask first.

Diane Holdsworth, I presume your Telstra account is in your name, if so it is your responsibility to make sure my photos are not used by your "EVIL" son.

Sunday, December 3, 2023

News Update. 4-12-2023.

 Good Morning,

Here is a News update on a few things I am working on,

Heading towards the Weethalle Railway Station for a look see, had to stop and take some Photos of this Sunrise, amazing sight.
Trangie Railway Station, Photo taken in 1915.

A decision has been made about the Proposed Tweed Heads to Woolgoolga Railway Line.

The Possibilities of the Bouke Railway Line are being Investigated again, to maybe reopen it in 4 or 5 stages, still looking at what can be done.

More information is available about the Glen Innes Railway Station.

Will get back to you with lots more info.

A Response has come already,

This Post was made at 8,34am,
My post above was made at 6.20 am.
So the Serial Stalker is really busy.

More News:

My Friends and I are looking at putting a Petition in place, to make more people aware of this Proposal.



Saturday, December 2, 2023

Breaking News. 3-12-2023.

Good Morning,

News about the Nyngan to Bourke Railway Line,

To avoid Flooding, it is planned to build a New Railway Station at Bourke, but it will be out of the town between 6 and 7 kilometes so it is not effected by floods in the Future.

The Plan is to do the Restoration in Stages, maybe over 4 or 5 years.

Maybe also organise for the Dubbo XPT to come to NYNGAN twice a week.

Take out a Lease on the Current Railway Station, to be used as a Construction/Restoration Office.

All of these Plans/Ideas can be changed if needs be.

In the Next few Days I hope to get a Blog up and running for this Project.

10.17 am
The Serial Stalker Has responded,

My Blog Post was at 6.20 am,
He posted at 8.34,
Seriously Stalking, wants to know all what I am doing so he can write about it.

But what I wrote and what he wrote are very different,


Raglan Railway Station. 9-11-2024.

Afternoon, This is the First Photo for my Write up about the Raglan Railway Station. The Railway Station above was opened on the 20th of Oct...