Friday, March 15, 2024

More News. 16-03-2024.


Photo taken Yesterday at King Creek, South of Wauchope.

More News coming soon,

Keep your eye out for it.

8.35 am
Sunday 17-03-2024.

If I am on time 4 pm this afternoon will be a big Write Up.


Things to look out for this afternoon.

2 new Facebook Pages,

One for the Mangoplah and Westby Railway Stations

And a New Personal Page.

Photos at 13 Locations.

Did a 3 day trip to and from Lithgow and visited 13 Locations to take Photos,
Hope to get some of them up here soon

New XPT Photos,

Been out doing some trials trying to get better Photos.

A New Name,

I am now called "The rail developer stalker from the North"

This is added to the other names,

"The northern NSW rail developer"

"The Unwise man"

"Favorite rail fan"

"Some old man"

"The old man"

"elderly rail developer"

"rail developer"

"elderly northern NSW railway developer"

"The Founder"

"The developer"

"a person"

"the northern developer"

"Silly old man"

Of course, due to the Undertaking set by the Magistrate, the write ups with these names in them should have all gone thru his Lawyer.

There has been a lot of writing about me going to Jail, Or, I should be in Jail.
I believe this is "Perverting the course of Justice" as I have to be charged for a Crime, then it should go to Trial, then a Sentence handed out, then Jail if that is the decision that is made by the Magistrate.

Of course, we must not forget the Famous PAVO.

On the 21st of May 2021 I was served a Document, that stated an Application for a PAVO had been made. For various reasons I was unable to attend Court for the Hearing of the Document.
The outcome of the Court hearing was that the PAVO was dismissed, that's right, DISMISSED.

But here we have a recent post where a PAVO is mentioned once again.

Strangely, I was never placed on a PAVO.

But there was an Undertaking created by the Magistrate between myself and the Applicants, which was a 2 page document.

I have been updating my New Blog,
If you would like the Link,
Email me at,

Big News,

The New Trains replacing the XPT's have Started arriving at Dubbo.
I was able to use a couple of Photos on my Blog with permission.

An XPT Driver has contacted me about my latest XPT Photos,
He likes them, and, wants to use them.

I would also like to mention the help I have been getting with my Photography, you know who you are, it is very much appreciated.

My Journey taking Photos started way back in 1962, I bought an Instamatic Camera for my 12th Birthday.

It has been a Great few days.

3.48 pm


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